Volunteer Projects

Spawn Creek
Spawn Creek Fence Repair with Cache Anglers TU Chapter, USFS, USU BHA, and Backcountry Horseman
UT Spring 2019
Volunteer Work Continued: Tyler
Trout Unlimited
Save Bristol Bay
Comment Period 2019
Aided in collection signatures, comment cards and raising public awareness about the Pebble Mine proposal for Trout Unlimited Alaska/ Save Bristol Bay.org . While volunteering I attended the Utah American Fisheries Society Conference, Wasatch Fly Tying Expo, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Rendezvous 2019 and various other events collecting signatures and comment cards.
USU Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
Fall 2018
November 10 2018 the Logan Ranger District of the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest invited the community to join them for the Seeding and Shrub Planting project days to improve mule deer winter habitat in Green Canyon. I led the Utah State University chapter of Backcountry Hunters in Anglers To participate in giving back to the local community and improve the wildlife habitat! Volunteers helped by spreading sage, bitterbrush, chokecherry, serviceberry and snowberry seeds and planting mountain big sagebrush, mahogany, snowberry and bitterbrush seedlings. Thank you to the members of the USU BHA club that were able to attend this morning and all of the other volunteers. Projects like these are how we can help preserve our public lands.
Trout Unlimited Cache Anglers Chapter
Summer 2018
Assisted the Cache Anglers Chapter or Trout Unlimited in putting on a kids camp event. Children were able to participate in finding aquatic invertebrate in the river then using tools to identify them. We then assisted the Utah Department of Wildlife Resources in electro fishing to show the children trout and their stomachs contents. The children were able to learn basic stream ecology and understand the importance of cold water habitat for native populations of fish and management of game fish.
Trout Unlimited Vanguard Chapter
Summer 2017
South East Michigan, Trout Unlimited Vanguard Chapter. Paint Creek Angler Access project and woody debris removal. Removal of vegetation and installation of wooden stairs to provide safe access for anglers while privation the erosion of the bank causing a decrease of flows to the creek.
Western Native Trout Initiative
Volunteered working on public out reach through social media. This involved posting information and photos on behalf of the Non Profit Organization to raise awareness about our native trout species. The @westernnativetrout Instagram account was started by Tyler Coleman an now has over 11.8k organic followers.
Arizona Game and Fish Department
Fall 2015
Aided in backpacking Gila Trout into Dude Creek to reintroduce trout to these waters for the first time in 15 years. We were responsible for packing in fish, acclimating fish to new water and releasing fish into new habitat.
Arizona Game and Fish Department
As a high school student in welding class I completed over 300 hours of Service Learning to build and paint bat houses and build bald eagle cages for rehabilitation of injured birds of prey.